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dc.creatorKonfino, Žak
dc.description.abstractNa širokoj visoravni, kraj sela Donje Vodno, sa stepeništem koje mu daje gotovo monumentalan izgled, leži jevrejsko groblje u Skoplju. Nad stepeništem je mermerna ploča na kojoj čitamo da je ono 500 godina staro. Pođe li se glavnom stazom, nailazi se na sasvim stare grobove. Na ovima se vide uglavnom horizontalno položene nadgrobne ploče, mahom u raspadanju. Vreme je izbrisalo natpise na njima i tek tu i tamo nađe se neka na kojima još ima tragova nekih slova. Usred stotinu razbacanih ploča začudo štrči jedan spomenik neobična izgleda. To su zapravo dva groba, na naročiti način, kao slovo T, postavljena jedan prema drugom. Na jednom od njih natpis je još dosta dobro očuvan, a na drugom nema natpisa. Skopski Jevreji poštuju te grobove iznad svih drugih. Vremenom su se čitave legende isplele oko tih grobova i one se prenose s kolena na koleno.sr
dc.description.abstractOn a wide plateau, near the village of Donje Vodno, with a staircase that gives it an almost monumental appearance, lies a Jewish cemetery in Skopje. Above the staircase is a marble slab on which we read that it is 500 years old. If you go down the main path, you will find quite old graves. These mainly show horizontally laid tombstones, mostly in decay. Time has erased the inscriptions on them and only here and there are some on which there are still traces of some letters. In the midst of a hundred scattered slabs, one monster looks oddly striking. These are actually two graves, in a special way, like the letter T, facing one another. On one of them, the inscription is still quite well preserved and on the other, there is no inscription. Skopje Jews respect those graves above all others. Over time, all the legends have woven around these graves, and they are passed down from generation to generation.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1954 [Jewish almanac]sr
dc.subjectjevrejsko groblje - Skopjesr
dc.subjectjewish cemetery - Skopjesr
dc.subjectAvram Benjamin Natan Aškenazisr
dc.subjectNatan Gazati, proroksr
dc.titleTragom lažnog Mesijesr
dcterms.abstractКонфино, Жак; Трагом лажног Месије; Трагом лажног Месије;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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