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Doktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862-1915) - pionir srpske radiologije

dc.creatorBabić, Radomir Rade
dc.creatorStanković Babić, Gordana
dc.description.abstractDr Abraham Joseph Vinaver (1862-1915), a Jew from Poland, was a pioneer of radiology in Serbia. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Warsaw (1887) but lived and worked in Šabac (the Kingdom of Serbia) since 1890. He procured the first X-ray machine and developed a radiological service in Šabac five years after the discovery of X-rays. These were the beginnings of radiology in Serbia. He introduced the application of artesian wells. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver - a Participant at the First Congress of Serbian Physicians and Naturalists, Belgrade 1904. "The Diagnostic Importance of X-rays in Lung Disease, especially in Initial Tuberculosis" and "Five Years of Treatment by X-Ray Machines" were the first works in the field of radiology in Serbia by this author. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver - Reserve Medical Officer in the Serbian Army. During the Balkan Wars, he was a volunteer with the rank of major engaged in military corps and he participated in the First World War as well. He died of malaria in 1915 in Gevgelija. His dedication to work during the typhus epidemics was put into verses of a poem by his son Stanislav Vinaver. Dr Avram Vinaver Joseph was a nobleman with a great heart, who selflessly sacrificed himself for the Serbian people and Serbia. He gave his contribution to the development of health services in Serbia, both in peacetime and wartime conditions. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver laid the foundations for today’s radiology in Serbiasr
dc.description.abstractDoktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862−1915), Jevrejin iz Poljske, bio je pionir srpske radiologije. Diplomirao je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Varšavi (1887). Od 1890. godine živeo je i radio u Šapcu (Kraljevina Srbija). Nabavio je prvi rendgenski aparat i razvio radiološku službu u Šapcu, pet godina po otkriću X-zraka. Bili su to počeci radiologije u Srbiji. Uveo je u primenu arterške bunare. Dr Avram Josif Vinaver − učesnik Prvog kongresa srpskih lekara i prirodnjaka, Beograd 1904. godine. „Dijagnostička važnost Rentgenovih zrakova kod bolesti pluća, naročito kod početne tuberkuloze” i „Pet godina lečenja Rentgenovim zracima” bila su prva saopštenja iz oblasti radiologije u Srbiji ovog autora. Dr Avram Josif Vinaver - rezervni sanitetski major srpske vojske. Za vreme Balkanskih ratova bio je dobrovoljac sa činom majora angažovan u vojnom sanitetu. Učesnik je i I svetskog rata. Umro je od malarije 1915. godine u Đevđeliji. O požrtvovanom radu dr Avrama Josifa Vinavera u vreme epidemije pegavog tifusa u Srbiji svedoči i pesma njegovog sina Stanislava Vinavera. Doktor Avram Josif Vinaver je bio čovek plemenitog srca koji se nesebično žrtvovao za srpski narod i Srbiju. Dao je doprinos razvoju zdravstvene zaštite stanovništva Srbije podjednako i u mirnodopskim i u ratnim uslovima. Doktor Avram Vinaver je postavio temelje današnje radiologije u
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Društvo lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društvasr
dc.sourceMedicinski pregled: povremeno izdanje Srpskog lekarskog društva-podružnice za Vojvodinusr
dc.subjectVinaver, Avram Jozef (1862-1915), radiolog - biografijasr
dc.subjectVinaver, Avram Jozef (1862-1915), radiologist - biographysr
dc.subjectJevreji - medicinski radnicisr
dc.subjectJews - medical professionalssr
dc.titleDr Avram Jozef Vinaver (1862-1915) - pioneer of radiology in Serbiasr
dc.titleDoktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862-1915) - pionir srpske radiologijesr

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