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Zionism, Israel and aliyah

dc.creatorŠvob, Melita
dc.description.abstractDržava Izrael je proglašena u petak 14. svibnja 1948. godine, u četiri sata poslije podne kada je David Ben Gurion pročitao Deklaraciju o nezavisnosti Izraela. Deklaracija je pročitana u zgradi Umjetničkog muzeja u Tel Avivu pred članovima Narodne skupštine (People's council) i oko 350 pozvanih gostiju, dok su tisuće pred zgradom i milioni Židova u svijetu očekivali taj događaj. Deklaraciju su potpisali članovi skupštine i tako postali članovi prve privremene izraelske vlade. Cijela je ceremonija trajala samo 32 minute i završila se blagoslovom i pjevanjem nacionalne himne "Hatikve". Židovi su donijeli presudnu odluku da se nezavisnost Izraela proglasi ne 1.10.1948, kako je to predlagao UN, već 14.5.1948, kada je prestajao britanski mandat nad Palestinom. Kada je u noći između 14. i 15. svibnja završio mandat velike Britanije nad Palestinom i oni su je napustili, armije pet arapskih zemalja napale su Izrael. Jordan je okupirao istočni dio Jeruzalema, uključujući i stari grad. 15. 5. 1948. kada su arapske zemlje napale Izrael nastala je prekretnica koja je značila prijelaz iz građanskog rata u rat s arapskim zemljama, u "rat za nezavisnost". U vrijeme osnivanja države, u Izraelu je bilo oko 650.000 Židova. Kao posljedica sukoba i ratova oko 600-700.000 Arapa je dobrovoljno ili pod pritiskom napustilo Palestinu. Zbog visokog fertiliteta njihov je broj u međuvremenu znatno porastao. Godine 1949. za prvog predsjednika države Izrael je izabran Haim Vajcman, a David Ben Gurion je izabran za predsjednika vlade. Jeruzalem je proglašen glavnim gradom Izraela.sr
dc.description.abstractThe State of Israel was proclaimed on Friday, May 14, 1948, at four o'clock in the afternoon when David Ben Gurion read the Declaration of Independence of Israel. The declaration was read in the building of the Art Museum in Tel Aviv in front of members of the National Council and about 350 invited guests, while thousands in front of the building and millions of Jews around the world awaited the event. The declaration was signed by members of the assembly and thus became members of the first interim Israeli government. The whole ceremony lasted only 32 minutes and ended with the blessing and singing of the national hymn "Hatikvah". The Jews made the crucial decision to declare Israel’s independence not on October 1, 1948, as proposed by the UN, but on May 14, 1948, when the British mandate over Palestine ended. When the UK's mandate over Palestine ended on the night of May 14-15 and they left, the armies of five Arab countries attacked Israel. Jordan occupied the eastern part of Jerusalem, including the old city. On May 15, 1948, when the Arab countries invaded Israel, a turning point occurred which meant the transition from the civil war to war with the Arab countries, to a "war for independence." At the time the state was founded, there were about 650,000 Jews in Israel. As a result of the conflicts and wars, about 600-700,000 Arabs left Palestine voluntarily or under pressure. Due to high fertility, their number has increased significantly in the meantime. In 1949, Chaim Weizmann was elected the first president of the state of Israel, and David Ben Gurion was elected prime minister. Jerusalem was declared the capital of Israel.sr
dc.publisherZagreb : Melita Švobsr
dc.subjectIzrael - istorijasr
dc.subjectIsrael - historysr
dc.subjectAlija (iseljenje u Izrael)sr
dc.subjectAliyah (emigration to Israel)sr
dc.subjectiseljavanje u Izraelsr
dc.subjectemigration to Israelsr
dc.titleCionizam, Izrael i Alijesr
dc.titleZionism, Israel and aliyahsr
dcterms.abstractШвоб, Мелита; Ционизам, Израел и Aлије; Ционизам, Израел и Aлије;
dc.rights.holderMelita Švobsr
dc.description.otherOvaj tekst je kucana verzija poglavlja iz knjige “Židovi u Hrvatskoj - židovske zajednice” (Zagreb : Židovska općina Zagreb, Istraživački i dokumentacijski centar - CENDO), str. 125-140.sr
dc.description.otherThis text is a typed version of the chapter from the book “Jews in Croatia - Jewish Communities” (Zagreb: Jewish Community of Zagreb, Research and Documentation Center - CENDO), pp 125-140.



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