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Guide through the thematic Repository of the Jewish Digital Library

dc.creatorAlbahari, Biljana
dc.description.abstractMale jevrejske zajednice na Balkanu postojale su još za vreme Rimskog carstva, a u Srbiji se prvi put spominju u 9. veku. Krajem 15. veka, nakon izgona Jevreja iz Španije i Portugala, ove zajednice su se značajno povećale. Prognani Jevreji utočište su nalazili u zemljama koje su bile pod vlašću Osmanskog carstva, kao što je u to vreme bila i Srbija. Iako je Balkan imao burnu istoriju, jevrejske zajednice su se razvijale i napredovale u kulturnom, obrazovnom, društvenom pa čak i političkom životu. Uspele su da se integrišu i postanu značajan deo srpskog društva, ali i da sačuvaju svoj nacionalni i verski identitet. Nažalost, jevrejska zajednica u Srbiji skoro je potpuno uništena u Holokaustu, a preživeli, iako malobrojni, kroz razne aktivnosti pokušavaju održati jevrejski identitet i život. Udruženje "Jevrejska digitalna biblioteka" nastoji da ovo vredno jevrejsko nasleđe sakupi i učini vidljivim i da kontinuirano pronalazi i prikuplja brojne bibliografske i istorijske izvore i građe o Jevrejima i jevrejstvu koji su nastali u Srbiji, zemljama ex-Jugoslavije i šire. “Vodič kroz tematski Repozitorijum Jevrejske digitalne biblioteke” je prezentacija koja se odnosi na projekat i postignute rezultate u periodu od januara 2019. do jula 2021. godine. Prezentacija je prikazana u sklopu panela “Portals to Judaica content” na 56. godišnjoj konferenciji “Moving forward” koju je organizovala Asocijacija jevrejskih biblioteka u periodu od 27. juna do 1. jula 2021.
dc.description.abstractSmall Jewish communities in the Balkans existed during the Roman Empire and were first mentioned in Serbia in the 9th century. At the end of the 15th century, after the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal, these communities increased significantly. Exiled Jews found refuge in countries that were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, as was Serbia at the time. Although the Balkans had a rough history, Jewish communities developed and prospered in cultural, educational, social, and even political life. They managed to integrate and become a significant part of Serbian society, but also to preserve their national and religious identity. Unfortunately, the Jewish community in Serbia was almost completely destroyed in the Holocaust, but those who survived through different activities are trying to maintain their Jewish identity and life. The Association "Jewish Digital Library" strives to collect and make this valuable Jewish heritage visible, as well as to continuously collect numerous bibliographic and historical sources and materials about Jews and Judaism that originated in Serbia, in the countries of the former Yugoslavia and more. "Guide through the thematic Repository of the Jewish Digital Library" is a presentation related to the project and the results achieved in the period from January 2019 to July 2021. The presentation was part of the panel "Portals to Judaica content" at the 56th Annual conference "Moving forward" organized by the Association of Jewish Libraries in the period from June 27 to July 1,
dc.publisherBeograd : B. Albaharisr
dc.subjectJevrejska digitalna biblioteka - vodičsr
dc.subjectJewish Digital Library - guidesr
dc.subjectRepozitorijum Jevrejska digitalna bibliotekasr
dc.subjectRepository of the Jewish Digital Librarysr
dc.titleVodič kroz tematski Repozitorijum Jevrejske digitalne bibliotekesr
dc.titleGuide through the thematic Repository of the Jewish Digital Librarysr
dcterms.abstractAлбахари, Биљана; Водич кроз тематски Репозиторијум Јеврејске дигиталне библиотеке; Водич кроз тематски Репозиторијум Јеврејске дигиталне библиотеке;
dc.rights.holderBiljana Albaharisr
dc.description.otherTrajanje: srpska verzija 15:16 minuta, engleska verzija 14:27. (Duration: Serbian version 15:16 minutes, English version 14:27 minutes).sr
dc.description.otherYouTube link - English version [].
dc.description.otherYouTube link - Serbian version [].

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