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Until the "final solution": Jews in Belgrade 1521-1942.

dc.contributorDavid, Filip
dc.creatorLebl, Ženi
dc.description.abstractU ovoj višeslojnoj studiji, autorka Ženi Lebl uložila je ogroman istraživački napor kako bi dala detaljan uvid u istoriju jevrejske zajednice u Beogradu, od njenog najranijeg perioda do tragičnog stradanja tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Kroz ovu knjigu pratimo istoriju i sudbinu Jevreja Beograda pod Turcima, Austrijancima, za vreme dinastije Obrenovića a potom i u Srbiji posle Berlinskog kongresa, u periodu pre i nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Autorka nas upoznaje sa ličnostima beogradskih rabina još od 17. veka, političkim, vojnim i socijalnim događajima koji su određivali status života i rada Jevreja. Ona govori i o učešću Jevreja u ratovima za slobodu Srbije, o buđenju ideje cionizma, o sinagogama, grobljima, prosveti. U posebnom dodatku upoznaje nas sa društvima i udruženjima beogradskih Jevreja. Nažalost, knjiga govori i o okolnostima i toku sprovođenja „konačnog rešenja“ i nemerivog stradanja, sa posebnim opisima mesta i načina tog stradanja.
dc.description.abstractIn this multi-layered study, the author Ženi Lebl made a huge research effort to give a detailed insight into the history of the Jewish community in Belgrade, from its earliest period to the tragic suffering during the Second World War. Through this book, we follow the history and destiny of the Jews of Belgrade under the Turks, the Austrians, during the Obrenović dynasty and then in Serbia after the Berlin Congress, in the period before and after the First World War. The author introduces us to the personalities of Belgrade rabbis since the 17th century, political, military, and social events that determined the status of life and work of Jews. She also talks about the participation of Jews in the wars for the freedom of Serbia, about the awakening of the idea of Zionism, about synagogues, cemeteries, education. In a special appendix, he introduces us to the societies and associations of Belgrade Jews. Unfortunately, the book also talks about the circumstances and the course of the implementation of the "final solution" and immeasurable suffering, with special descriptions of the place and methods of that suffering.
dc.publisherBeograd : Čigoja štampasr
dc.subjectJevreji - Beograd, 1521-1942sr
dc.subjectJews - Belgrade, 1521-1942sr
dc.titleDo "konačnog rešenja": Jevreji u Beogradu 1521-1942.sr
dc.titleUntil the "final solution": Jews in Belgrade 1521-1942.sr
dcterms.abstractЛебл, Жени; До "коначног решења": Јевреји у Београду 1521-1942.; До "коначног решења": Јевреји у Београду 1521-1942.;



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