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Jewish Historiography

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorGuttmann, Simon
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Simon Guttmann u članku o jevrejskoj istoriografiji analizira sadržaj i metode ove, za jevrejski narod, važne oblasti. Iako su počeci jevrejske istorije sadržani u Tori, jevrejski narod je i pre njenog nastanka imao istorijske beleške u pojedinim knjigama kao npr. "Sefer hajašar"‘ (Knjiga o pravednosti). Njihovom analizom može se utvrditi da je stara jevrejska istoriografija imala drugačije metode od onih kojima se služi Tora. Autor postavlja pitanje zašto su u Tori preuređene istorijske zabeleške i zašto ta dela koja su nestala i kojima danas znamo samo imena, nisu odgovarala svrsi Tore? Ako se analizira metoda kojom se u Tora opisuje istorija, na prvi pogled se opaža da u Tori nije reč o istoriji jevrejskog naroda nego o istoriji koju stvara Bog. Jevrejski narod igra skoro pasivnu ulogu. Ne govori se o tome šta je učinio jevrejski narod, nego šta je učinio Bog. U Tori se ne bori jevrejski narod nego Bog ratuje za Izrael. Junak istorije u Tori nije Izrael, već sam Bog. U Tori nije prikazana istorija jevrejskog naroda, nego i istorija Judaizma. Tora pomoću istorije jevrejskog naroda služi centralnoj ideji Judaizma - religiji i moralu. To potvrđuje i činjenica da su istoričari novijeg vremena pišući o istoriji jevrejskog naroda morali da rekonstruišu istoriju iz Tore i da istorijske elemente razdvoje od zakonskih. Zbog toga Tora nije samo istorijsko ili literarno štivo. Ona je kombinacija zakona i istorije koji, postavljeni paralelno i u sadejstvu, čine jedinstven stil Tore i daju specifični karakter jevrejskoj istoriografiji i jevrejskom
dc.description.abstractSenior rabbi Dr. Simon Guttmann, in an article on Jewish historiography, analyzes the content and methods of this, for the Jewish people, important area. Although the beginnings of Jewish history are contained in the Torah, the Jewish people even before its creation had historical notes in certain books, such as "Sefer hajashar" (A book about justice). Their analysis shows that ancient Jewish historiography had different methods than those used by the Torah. The author asks the question of why the historical notes were rearranged in the Torah and why those works that disappeared and for which we only know the names today, did not correspond to the purpose of the Torah? If we analyze the method by which the Torah describes the history, at first glance, we notice that the Torah is not about the history of the Jewish people, but about the history created by God. The Jewish people play an almost passive role. It is not about what the Jewish people did, but about what God did. The Jewish people are not fighting in the Torah, but God is fighting for Israel. The hero of history in the Torah is not Israel, but God himself. The Torah does not show the history of the Jewish people, but also the history of Judaism. The Torah, with the help of the history of the Jewish people, serves the central idea of Judaism - religion, and morality. This is confirmed by the fact that historians of recent times, writing about the history of the Jewish people, had to reconstruct the history of the Torah and separate the historical elements from the legal ones. That is why the Torah is not just a historical or literary reading. It is a combination of law and history which, placed in parallel and in cooperation, form a unique style of the Torah and give a specific character to Jewish historiography and Jewish
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5689 (1928/29)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - istoriografijasr
dc.subjectJews - historiographysr
dc.titleJevrejska historiografijasr
dc.titleJewish Historiographysr
dcterms.abstractГуттманн, Симон; Јеврејска хисториографија; Јеврејска хисториографија;

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