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From the past of the Jewish community in Dubrovnik

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorLevi, Moric
dc.description.abstractU tekstu o prošlosti jevrejske opštine u Dubrovniku nadrabin dr Moric Levi opisuje istorijske okolnosti nastanka i postojanja ove male zajednice i značajne jevrejske ličnosti koje su dale svoj doprinos gradu Dubrovniku. Dr Levi objašnjava poreklo naziva "Žudioska ulica" koja se nalazi u najužem gradskom jezgru Starog grada u Dubrovniku. Ovaj naziv ulice ističe se među slavenskim imenima ostalih ulica - reč "Žudios" na španskom označava Jevreje (Židove). Tim imenom su sebe nazivali jevrejski doseljenici iz Španije i Portugala koji su u 15. veku našli utočište od progona inkvizicije u tadašnjoj Dubrovačkoj republici, pa je i ulica u kojoj su se oni nastanili dobila isti naziv. Prema dostupnim izvorima smatra se da su se Jevreji nastanili u Dubrovniku već početkom 15. veka a moguće i pre. Nekoliko puta su bili proterani iz grada. Dubrovnik je u to vreme bio protektorat turske carevine te su preporukom Sulejmana I, proterani Jevreji vraćeni u grad 1516. godine. Senat više nije davao naređenja za njihovo proterivanje pa su Jevreji i dalje boravili u Dubrovniku ali pod posebnim zakonima i smanjenim pravima kakva su i inače bila skoro u svim hrišćanskim državama tadašnje Evrope. Tako npr. u septembru 1680. nadbiskup dubrovački izdaje strogi nalog da Jevreji i Jevrejke na odeći moraju nositi značke kako bi se razlikovali od hrišćana a 1622. godine im se zabranjuje da noću izlaze izvan geta bez naročite dozvole senata. Važan događaj za istoriju dubrovačkih Jevreja predstavlja naređenje dalmatinskoga guvernera iz 1816. godine prema kome su se počeli voditi matični spiskovi pripadnika svih konfesija. Jevrejska opština u Dubrovniku morala je sastaviti tačan spisak svojih pripadnika i voditi ispravne matične knjige. Ovaj prvi matični spisak iz 1816. godine po kome je u Dubrovniku tada živelo 308 Jevreja u celosti je sačuvan. Spisak ima veliku vrednost jer se po njemu može ustanoviti kretanje i seoba Jevreja Sefarada po raznim mestima i gradovima Balkana. O jevrejskoj zajednici Dubrovnika postoje samo kratke razbacane beleške uglavnom u knjigama dubrovačkih rabina ili istorijskim knjigama o dubrovačkoj republici. U arhivu jevrejske opštine grada Dubrovnika čuvaju se veoma stari protokoli (pinkas) sa sednica tadašnjih uprava. Takođe se i u dubrovačkom gradskom arhivu nalazi još mnogo raznih dokumenata i podataka o životu i radu jevrejskih doseljenika u ovaj grad. Nema sumnje da su se oni u Dubrovniku istakli svojim radom u kulturnom i ekonomskom životu Dubrovačke republike. Među prvim doseljenicima dr Levi pominje dva poznata imena - Amata Lusitana i Didaka Pira. Oba su došla u Dubrovnik oko 1555. godine kada je Papa Pavao IV osnovao inkviziciju u Jakinu (Ancona) i proterao Jevreje, koji su se tamo doselili iz Španije. Amatus Lusitanus čije je pravo ime Juan Rodriguez, rodom iz Portugala, bio je čuveni lekar i anatom, poznat u celom tadašnjem naučnom svetu. Drugi znameniti Jevrejin, koji se sa Pirenejskog poluotoka doselio u Dubrovnik, bio je Jacobus Flavius Evorenzis, poznat pod svojim pesničkim pseudonimom Didacus Pyrrhus (Didak Pir, 1517-1607). Među rabinima, koji su živeli u Dubrovniku najmarkantnija ličnost bio je Jakob Pardo (1740-1819), sin velikog jevrejskog učenjaka i rabina grada Sarajeva, Davida Parde. Jakob Pardo je kao rabin u Dubrovačkoj općini službovao oko 40
dc.description.abstractIn the text about the past of the Jewish community in Dubrovnik, senior rabbi Dr. Moritz Levy describes the historical circumstances of the Jewish origin and existence of this small community and important personalities who gave their contribution to the city of Dubrovnik. Dr. Levy explains the origin of the name "Žudioska ulica" (Jewish street), which is located in the narrowest part of the Old Town in Dubrovnik. This street name marked among the Slavic names of other streets - the word "Judios" in Spanish means Jews (Jews). Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal, who become a refuge in the 15th century from the persecution of the Inquisition in the then Republic of Dubrovnik, called themselves by that name, so the street in which they settled got the same name. According to available sources, it is believed that Jews settled in Dubrovnik as early as the beginning of the 15th century, and possibly even earlier. They were expelled from the city several times. At that time, Dubrovnik was a protectorate of the Turkish Empire, and on the recommendation of Suleiman I, the expelled Jews were returned to the city in 1516. The Senate no longer gave orders for their expulsion, so the Jews continued to stay in Dubrovnik, but under special laws and reduced rights, as they were in almost all Christian countries in Europe at the time. Thus e.g. in September 1680, the Archbishop of Dubrovnik issued a strict order that Jews must wear badges on their clothes in order to distinguish themselves from Christians, and in 1622 they were forbidden to go out of the ghetto at night without the special permission of the senate. An important event in the history of the Jews of Dubrovnik is the order of the Dalmatian governor from 1816, according to which the registry lists of members of all denominations began to be kept. The Jewish community in Dubrovnik had to compile an accurate list of its members and keep the correct registers. This first registry list from 1816, according to which 308 Jews lived in Dubrovnik at that time, has been completely preserved. The list is of great value because it can be used to establish the movement and migration of Sephardic Jews in various places and cities in the Balkans. There are only short scattered notes about the Jewish community of Dubrovnik, mostly in the books of Dubrovnik rabbis or historical books about the Dubrovnik republic. In the archives of the Jewish community of the city of Dubrovnik, very old protocols (Pinkas) from the sessions of the then administrations are kept. The Dubrovnik city archives also contain many other documents and data on the life and work of Jewish immigrants to this city. There is no doubt that they distinguished themselves in Dubrovnik with their work in the cultural and economic life of the Republic of Dubrovnik. Among the first settlers, Dr. Levy mentions two well-known names - Amatus Lusitanus and Didak Pir. Both came to Dubrovnik around 1555 when Pope Paul IV founded the Inquisition in Jakin (Ancona) and expelled the Jews, who had immigrated there from Spain. Amatus Lusitanus, whose real name is Juan Rodriguez, a native of Portugal, was a famous doctor and anatomist, known throughout the scientific world at the time. Another famous Jew, who moved to Dubrovnik from the Iberian Peninsula, was Jacobus Flavius Evorenzis, known by his poetic pseudonym Didacus Pyrrhus (Didak Pir, 1517-1607). Among the rabbis who lived in Dubrovnik, the most imposing person was Jakob Pardo (1740-1819), the son of the great Jewish scholar and rabbi of the city of Sarajevo, David Pardo. Jakob Pardo served as a rabbi in the Dubrovnik community for about 40
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5689 (1928/29)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Dubrovniksr
dc.subjectJews - Dubrovniksr
dc.subjectAmatus Lusitanus (1511–1568), lekarsr
dc.subjectJoão Rodrigues de Castelo Branco (1511-1568)sr
dc.subjectDidacus Pyrrhus (1517-1607), pesniksr
dc.subjectDidacus Pyrrhus Lusitanus (1517-1607)sr
dc.subjectIacobus Flavius Eborensis (1517-1607)sr
dc.subjectIsaia Koen (Didak Pir, 1571-1607)sr
dc.subjectJakob Pardo (1740-1819), rabinsr
dc.titleIz prošlosti jevrejske opštine u Dubrovnikusr
dc.titleFrom the past of the Jewish community in Dubrovniksr
dcterms.abstractЛеви, Мориц; Из прошлости јеврејске општине у Дубровнику; Из прошлости јеврејске општине у Дубровнику;
dcterms.abstractЛеви, Мориц; Из прошлости јеврејске општине у Дубровнику; Из прошлости јеврејске општине у Дубровнику;

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