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Jews in Vojvodina

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorHolländer, Josip
dc.description.abstractAdvokat dr Josip Holländer u tekstu o Jevrejima Vojvodine želi da pojasni neke predrasude i zablude o vojvođanskom Jevrejstvu, obasni istorijske okolnosti u kojima se ono formiralo i analizira njihovu specifičnu asimilaciju. Vojvođanski Jevreji sačinjavali su pre Prvog svetskog rata samo mali deo mađarskog jevrejstva. Mađarsko jevrejstvo stvorilo je značajne i velike jevrejske institucije i kulturne centre u Budimpešti i u većim mestima - Požunu, Marmaroš-sigetu, Velikom Varadinu, Satmaru, Koložvaru itd. Duh jevrejstva obilato se ispoljavao u Budimpešti i drugim gradovima u podizanju veličanstvenih, humanitarnih, verskih i naučnih institucija. Vojvodina je u ovome potpuno oskudevala i nije imala ni jedan takav jevrejski centar. Zbog toga se ne može govoriti o vojvođanskom Jevrejstvu kao o zajednici sa karakterističnim lokalnim obeležjima u periodu pre Prvog svetskog rata. Autor se ograničava na one momente i istorijske okolnosti koji se odnose na postanak, obim i značaj perioda pre i tokom asimilacije Jevreja u Vojvodini. Jevreji su se uselili u Vojvodinu u drugoj polovini 18. veka, za vreme vladavine carice Marije Terezije i cara Josipa II. Oni su većinom dolazili iz Nemačke i Češke i donosili životne prilike i versku kulturu u kojima su do tada živeli i koju se preneli u nove krajeve. Dok su se Jevreji u Nemačkoj i Češkoj već potpuno emancipovali, Jevreji nastanjeni u Vojvodini i dalje su zadržali svoju tradicionalnu, jednostrano religioznu kulturu. Bilo im je zabranjeno, da kupuju zemlju i da se stalno nasele, tako da su pored plodne i bogate zemlje imali oskudan i siromašan život. Šačica Jevreja, bačena sudbinom u ovaj kraj, bila je odsečena od centara ne samo svetovne, nego i religiozne kulture. U takvoj atmosferi živeli su vojvođanski Jevreji sve do 1868. godine kada Jevreji u Mađarskoj postaju ravnopravni i kada počinje njihova brza emancipacija. Nakon završetka Prvog svetskog rata Jevreji Vojvodine postaju deo zajedničke jevrejske zajednice novoformirane Kraljevine SHS. Važno je istaći da su u relativno kratkoj i burnoj istoriji vojvođanskih Jevreja stvorene velike i brojne jevrejske opštine i izgrađene sinagoge u Subotici, Novom Sadu, Somboru i Bečkereku. Ove opštine predstavljale su napredan, neološki smer, dok su konzervativni, ortodoksni Jevreji stanovali uglavnom po selima i duž reke Tise (u Petrovom selu, Senti, Adi i Molu) i živeli prema strogoj verskoj tradiciji.sr
dc.description.abstractLawyer Dr. Josip Holländer in the text on the Jews of Vojvodina wants to clarify some prejudices and misconceptions about Vojvodina's Jewry, explain the historical circumstances in which it was formed, and analyze their specific assimilation. Before the First World War, the Jews of Vojvodina made up only a small part of Hungarian Jewry. Hungarian Jewry created important and large Jewish institutions and cultural centers in Budapest and in larger places - Pozun, Marmaros-Siget, Veliki Varadin, Satmar, Kolozsvár, etc. The spirit of Judaism was abundantly manifested in Budapest and other cities in the uplift of magnificent, humanitarian, religious, and scientific institutions. Vojvodina was completely lacked in this and did not have any such Jewish center. Therefore, one cannot speak of Vojvodina's Jewry as a community with characteristic local features in the period before the First World War. The author limits himself to those moments and historical circumstances that refer to the origin, scope and significance of the period before and during the assimilation of Jews in Vojvodina. Jews immigrated to Vojvodina in the second half of the 18th century, during the reigns of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Joseph II. They mostly came from Germany and the Czech Republic and brought life opportunities and religious culture in which they lived until then and which they transferred to new lands. While Jews in Germany and the Czech Republic had already fully emancipated themselves, Jews living in Vojvodina still retained their traditional, one-sided religious culture. They were forbidden to buy land and to settle permanently so that in addition to arable and rich land, they had a scarce and poor life. A handful of Jews, thrown by fate into this area, were cut off from the centers of not only secular but also religious culture. The Jews of Vojvodina lived in such an atmosphere until 1868 when the Jews in Hungary became equal and their rapid emancipation began. After the end of the First World War, the Jews of Vojvodina became part of the common Jewish community of the newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. It is important to point out that in the relatively short and turbulent history of the Jews of Vojvodina, large and numerous Jewish communities were created and synagogues were built in Subotica, Novi Sad, Sombor, and Bečkerek. These communities represented an advanced, neological direction, while conservative, orthodox Jews lived mainly in the villages and along the Tisza River (in Petrovo selo, Senta, Ada and Mol) and lived according to a strict religious tradition.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5689 (1928/29)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Vojvodinasr
dc.subjectJews - Vojvodinasr
dc.titleJevreji u Vojvodinisr
dc.titleJews in Vojvodinasr
dcterms.abstractХоллäндер, Јосип; Јевреји у Војводини; Јевреји у Војводини;



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