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Prayer Kaddish

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorFischer, Leopold
dc.description.abstractKadiš je kratka liturgijska molitva sa eshatološkim fokusom koja se više puta izgovara tokom verske službe (uglavnom na aramejskom) kojom se veliča i slavi Bog. Takođe je i molitva ožalošćenih tokom prve godine žalosti. Kadiš je za sve Jevreje, i pobožne i slobodumne, uzvišen i svet i možda najpopularnija molitva u celokupnoj jevrejskoj liturgiji. Dr Fischer smatra da su njen postanak, razvoj, sadržaj, značaj, jezik i odnos ka spasenju duše malo poznati i da samo moć navike ovoj molitvi daje prividnu snagu. Zbog toga u članku “Molitva Kadiš” želi da protumači sadržaj ove divne molitve i da širu javnost upozna sa njenom istorijom. Govoreći o nastanku ove molitve autor nas upoznaje sa verovatnim izvorima koji se odnose na citate iz Talmuda i Mišne kao i na jednu staru potresnu bajku iz vremena Rab Akibe. Kadiš je prvobitno napisan na hebrejskom jeziku pa se tako citira i pojavljuje u Talmudu. Kasnije je u Vavilonu hebrejski tekst preveden na aramejski ali su odlomci starog hebrejskog teksta očevidno zadržani u delu molitve, koji se i danas govori subotom i praznicima pri iznošenju Tore. Dr Fischer smatra da je neobično da se ova najpoznatija i najčešće izgovarana molitva slabo ili nikako može razumeti te stoga analizira svaki stih posebno dajući nam potrebna objašnjenja i tumačenja. Na kraju rada govori o promenama koje se su događale tokom vremena i poredi prvobitni i savremeni sadržaj Kadiš
dc.description.abstractKaddish is a short liturgical prayer with an eschatological focus that is pronounced several times during a religious service (mostly in Aramaic) which praises and glorifies God. There is also the prayer of the grieving during the first year of mourning. For all Jews, both religious and free-spirited, Kaddish is sublime and holy, and perhaps the most popular prayer in the entire Jewish liturgy. Dr. Fischer believes that its origin, development, content, significance, language, and attitude towards the salvation of the soul are slightly known and that only the power of habit gives this prayer illusory strength. That is why in the article "Prayer Kaddish" he wants to interpret the content of this wonderful prayer and to acquaint the general public with its history. Speaking about the origin of this prayer, the author introduces us to probable sources that refer to quotations from the Talmud and the Mishnah, as well as to an old shocking fairy tale from the time of Rab Akiba. Kaddish was originally written in Hebrew, so it is quoted and appears in the Talmud. Later, in Babylon, the Hebrew text was translated into Aramaic, but excerpts from the old Hebrew text were apparently retained in the part of the prayer, which is still spoken today on Saturdays and holidays during the presentation of the Torah. Dr. Fischer finds it unusual that this most famous and most often pronounced prayer can be poorly or not at all understood and therefore analyzes each verse separately giving us the necessary explanations and interpretations. At the end of the paper, he talks about the changes that have taken place over time and compare the original and modern content of
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5687 (1926/27)sr
dc.subjectKadiš - tumačenjesr
dc.subjectKaddish - interpretationsr
dc.titleMolitva Kadišsr
dc.titlePrayer Kaddishsr
dcterms.abstractФисцхер, Леополд; Молитва Кадиш; Молитва Кадиш;
dc.description.otherDr Leopold Fischer (1886-1941) bio je rabin u Daruvaru a potom nadrabin u Vršcu. Uređivao je "Jevrejski almanah" godišnjak Saveza rabina Kraljevine SHS, koji je izlazio od 1925 do 1930. Bio je član Glavnoga odbora Saveza jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije i član Upravnoga odbora biblioteke i muzeja grada Vršca. Autor je knjiga i tekstova koji i danas predstavljaju važan izvor u talmudskim studijama. Bio je osoba izuzetnog obrazovanja, govorio je 9 jezika, imao dva doktorata, dopisivao se s brojnim poznatim i uglednim ličnostima (Šalom Alejhem, Šalom Aš, Rabindranat Tagore). Nakon sloma Kraljevine Jugoslavije uhvaćen je i sa ostalim beogradskim Jevrejima deportovan u logor Topovske Šupe u Beogradu, gdje je
dc.description.otherDr. Leopold Fischer (1886-1941) was a rabbi in Daruvar and senior rabbi in Vršac. He was edited "Jewish Almanac" - the yearbook of the Association of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, which was published from 1925 to 1930. He was a member of the Main Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia and a member of the Board of the Library and Museum of Vršac. He is the author of books and texts that still represent an important source in Talmudic studies. He was a person of exceptional education, he spoke nine languages, he had two doctorates, and he corresponded with many famous and respectable people (Shalom Aleichem, Shalom Ash, Rabindranath Tagore). After the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, he was captured and deported with other Belgrade Jews to the Topovske Šupe camp in Belgrade, where he died.

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