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Jewish Almanac for the Year 5686 (1925-1926) [Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes]

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.description.abstractU predgovoru prvog godišta "Jevrejskog almanaha" od 2. septembra 1925. (12. elula 5685) godine, predsednik Saveza Rabina Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca dr Isak Alkalaj obrazlaže pokretanje ovog godišnjaka. Konstatuje da je Prvi svetski rat izmenio prilike u celoj Evropi i da je jugoslovenska država podnela ogromne žrtve. Iako se tragovi tog najstrašnijeg rata, još uvek osećaju u celom svetu, čine se ogromni napori da se nadoknadi sve što je izgubljeno. Sve zajednice, udruženja i grupe težile su ka duhovnoj obnovi, a svi ciljevi bili su posvećeni obnovi i napretku. I jevrejska zajednica koja je osetila značaj svoje uloge bila je veoma aktivna. Jevrejstvo Kraljevine organizovano kroz veliki broj lokalnih kulturnih i verskih udruženja, sastavljeno iz veroispovednih opština, ujedinilo se u jedinstvenu zajednicu. Iako su u tom procesu postojale određene poteškoće zbog specifičnosti pojedinačnih zajednica koje su pre ujedinjenja bile izložene različitim uticajima, postignut je značajan uspeh. Primer uspešnog načina obrazovnog rada pokazali su rabini kao duhovne vođe i učitelji, tumači božijih reči, nosioci jevrejskog duha i svesti. U periodu nakon rata rabini su posvetili svoje znanje i svoje vreme opštim stvarima zajednice, širenju religije i ljubavi čoveka prema bližnjem, vraćanju lepim tradicijama i etičkom i duhovnom vaspitanju. Jačanjem tradicije i oživljavanjem prošlosti, oni su vršili misionarski zadatak i vraćali pobožni svet starom poretku punom vrlina. Da bi što bolje i uspešnije postigli svoj zadatak, rabini Kraljevine su se organizovali u Savez, koji je imao dva uspešna i podsticajna kongresa u Zagrebu i Beogradu na kojima su se rešavala mnogobrojna važna pitanja iz duhovnog i verskog života. Jedna od inicijativa Saveza rabina bila je pokretanje ovog Almanaha kao prvog književno-naučnog dela koje će okupiti intelektualce i biti duhovni i kulturni vodič za sve važne pojave u jevrejskom verskom, socijalnom, istorijskom, književnom i političkom životu. Almanah je izlazio Vršcu u periodu od 1925 do 1930., odnosno od 5686 do 5690 godine po jevrejskom kalendaru u izdanju Saveza rabina Kraljevine SHS, na srpskohrvatskom, hebrejskom i nemačkom jeziku. Tekstovi su štampani latiničnim, ćirilićnim i hebrejskim pismom. Izašlo je ukupno pet godišta. Urednici prvog godišta bili su Leopold Fišer (Fischer), nadrabin u Vršcu i Mojsije Margel, rabin u Zagrebu. Ostala četiri godišta uređivao je Leopold Fišer. Štampan je u štampariji "Artistički zavod ud. J. E. Kiršner (Kirschner)" iz Vršca. Osim radova iz naučnih i verskih oblasti svako godište Almanaha sadržavalo je i jevrejski kalendar za tekuću jevrejsku godinu, književne preglede i statistiku jevrejstva u
dc.description.abstractIn the preface to the first volume of the "Jewish Almanac" of September 2, 1925 (Elul 12, 5685), the president of the Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Dr. Isak Alkalaj, explains the launch of this yearbook. He states that the First World War changed the situation in the whole of Europe and that the Yugoslav state suffered huge sacrifices. Although the traces of that most terrible war are still felt all over the world, huge efforts are being made to make up for everything that was lost. All communities, associations, and groups aspired to spiritual renewal, and all goals were dedicated to renewal and progress. The Jewish community, which felt the importance of its role, was also very active. The Jewry of the Kingdom, organized through a large number of local cultural and religious associations, composed of religious communities, united into a single community. Although there were some difficulties in this process due to the specifics of individual communities that were exposed to different influences before unification, significant success was achieved. The example of a successful way of educational work was shown by rabbis as spiritual leaders and teachers, interpreters of God's words, bearers of the Jewish spirit and consciousness. In the period after the war, the rabbis dedicated their knowledge and their time to the general affairs of the community, the spread of religion and human love, the return of beautiful traditions, and ethical and spiritual education. By strengthening the tradition and reviving the past, they performed a missionary task and returned the religious people to the old order full of virtues. In order to better and more successfully achieve their task, the rabbis of the Kingdom organized themselves into the Federation, which had two successful and stimulating congresses in Zagreb and Belgrade, at which many important issues from the spiritual and religious life were resolved. One of the initiatives of the Rabbinical Federation was the launch of this Almanac as the first literary-scientific work that will gather intellectuals and be a spiritual and cultural guide for all important phenomena in Jewish religious, social, historical, literary, and political life. The Almanac was published in Vršac in the period from 1925 to 1930, i.e. from 5686 to 5690 according to the Jewish calendar, published by the Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, in Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew and German. The texts are printed in Latin, Cyrillic, and Hebrew. Five volumes have been published. For the first year, the editors were Leopold Fischer, a senior rabbi in Vršac, and Mojsije Margel, a rabbi in Zagreb. The other four years were edited by Leopold Fischer. It was printed in the printing house "Artistički zavod ud. J. E. Kirschner" from Vršac. In addition to works from scientific and religious fields, each volume of the Almanac also contained the Jewish calendar for the current Jewish year, literary reviews and statistics of Judaism in the
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.subjectJevrejski almanah (1925-1930)sr
dc.subjectJewish Almanac (1925-1930)sr
dc.subjectJevrejski almanah (Savez rabina Kraljevine S.H.S.) 1925-1930sr
dc.subjectJewish Almanac (Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) 1925-1930sr
dc.subjectkalendar, jevrejski - za godinu 5686 (1925-1926)sr
dc.subjectJewish calendar for 5686 (1925-1926)sr
dc.subjectobredi, jevrejskisr
dc.subjectJewish ritessr
dc.subjectJevreji - statistika (Kraljevina SHS)sr
dc.subjectJews - statistics (Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - bibliografijesr
dc.subjectJews - bibliographysr
dc.subjectJevreji - versko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectJews - religious educationsr
dc.subjectJevreji - istorijasr
dc.subjectJews - historysr
dc.subjectjevrejske knjige - Beogradsr
dc.subjectJewish books - Belgradesr
dc.titleJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925-1926) [Savez rabina Kraljevine SHS]sr
dc.titleJewish Almanac for the Year 5686 (1925-1926) [Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes]sr
dcterms.abstractЈеврејски алманах за годину 5686 (1925-1926) [Савез рабина Краљевине СХС]; Јеврејски алманах за годину 5686 (1925-1926) [Савез рабина Краљевине СХС];
dcterms.abstractЈеврејски алманах за годину 5686 (1925-1926) [Савез рабина Краљевине СХС]; Јеврејски алманах за годину 5686 (1925-1926) [Савез рабина Краљевине СХС];
dc.description.otherTekstovi su štampani na srpskohrvatskom, hebrejskom i nemačkom jeziku, latiničnim, ćirilićnim i hebrejskim pismom (the texts were printed in Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew and German, in Latin, Cyrillic and Hebrew.)sr



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