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Small picture from 30 years' war

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorŠik, Bernard
dc.description.abstractRad dr Bernarda Šika zasnovan je na istorijskom događaju iz XVII veka u kome opisuje potresnu priču rabina Jom Tob Lipmana Hellera poznatog pod imenom Tosafot Jomtob. Lipman Heller je 1625. godine bio izabran za rabina u Nikolsburgu (Moravska) gde je još u to vreme bilo puno jevrejskih učenjaka ali i bogataša. Tamo se nije dugo zadržao jer ga je te iste godine mlada, bogata i ugledna jevrejska opština u Beču za koju je izradio opštinski statut, izabrala za svog rabina. Iako je u bečkoj jevrejskoj zajednici bio cenjen i voljen, odlučio je da pređe u Prag. U to vreme u Pragu je delovalo mnogo talmudista te se rabin Heller nadao da će proširiti svoje znanje, i, uprkos lošim međuljudskim odnosima u samoj zajednici, postati rabin najveće opštine u Nemačkoj. Aktivni rabin u Pragu postao je 1627. godine. Uz rabinsku službu bio je i predsednik komisije za ratni porez koji je morao da raspoređuje na prašku i ostale seoske opštine. Iako je Jom Tob Lipman u tom poslu bio potpuno objektivan i pravedan, ipak se našlo nekoliko nezadovoljnika, koji su ga optužili za pristranost. Zbog te optužbe Lipman je dobio ukor i od samog cara Ferdinanda II. Njegovim neprijateljima to nije bilo dovoljno nego su ga optužili da se u svojim djelima „Meadane Meleh“ i „Lehem hamudot“ ogrešio o hrišćanstvo i hvalio kako je u teološkoj raspravi pobedio neku visoku i caru blisku ličnost. Isti provokatori prijavili su da je rabin Lipman veoma bogat i da, ukoliko bude optužen, njegovo bogatstvo treba da pripadne caru. Prevideli su da bi optužba rabina Lipmana mogla dovesti do progona praških i nemačkih Jevreja. Rabin Lipman je uhapšen, odveden u Beč i zatvoren. Nakon procesa suđenja i odbrane izrečena mu je presuda prema kojoj je, iako nevin, kažnjen velikom novčanom kaznom koja je odredila njegovu dalju sudbinu.sr
dc.description.abstractDr. Bernard Schick's work is based on a historical event from the 17th century in which he describes the shocking story of Rabbi Yom Tob Lipman Heller known as Tosafot Yomtob. In 1625, Lipman Heller was elected rabbi in Nicholsburg (Moravia), where there were many Jewish scholars and rich people at that time. He did not stay there long because that same year, a young, rich, and respectable Jewish community in Vienna, for which he drafted a community statute, elected him to its rabbi. Although he was appreciated and loved in the Viennese Jewish community, he decided to move to Prague. Many Talmudists were active in Prague at the time, and Rabbi Heller hoped to expand his knowledge and, despite poor interpersonal relations within the community itself, become the rabbi of the largest community in Germany. He became an active rabbi in Prague in 1627. Along with the rabbinical service, he was also the president of the commission for war taxes, which he had to deploy to Prag and other rural communities. Although Yom Tob Lipman was completely objective and fair in that deal, there were still a few dissatisfied people who accused him of favoritism. Because of this accusation, Lipman received a rebuke from Emperor Ferdinand II himself. It was not enough for his enemies, but they accused him of sinning against Christianity in his works "Meadane Meleh" and "Lehem Hamudot" and praised how he defeated a high and close person in the theological debate. The same provocateurs reported that Rabbi Lipman was very rich and that, if he was accused, his wealth should belong to the emperor. They overlooked that the accusation of Rabbi Lipman could lead to the persecution of Prague and German Jews. Rabbi Lipman was arrested, taken to Vienna, and imprisoned. After the trial and defense process, a verdict was handed down according to which, although innocent, he was punished a large fine, which determined his further fate.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectJom Tob Lipman Heller, rabin (1579-1654)sr
dc.subjectYom-Tov Lipmann Heller, rabbi (1579-1654)sr
dc.titleSličica iz 30 godišnjeg ratasr
dc.titleSmall picture from 30 years' warsr
dcterms.abstractШик, Бернард; Сличица из 30 годишњег рата; Сличица из 30 годишњег рата;
dcterms.abstractШик, Бернард; Сличица из 30 годишњег рата; Сличица из 30 годишњег рата;



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