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On the importance of inventions from the time of the old Orient for Jewish science

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorFischer, Leopold
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Leopold Fišer u svom radu razmatra značaj arheoloških i istorijskih otkrića koja potiču iz vavilonskog, asirskog i staroegipatskog perioda. Centralna tema njegovog rada odnosi se na rasvetljavanje kritičkog tumačenja Biblije i njene verodostojnosti. Iako se autor u ovom radu ne bavi istorijom biblijske kritike, ipak navodi neke hipoteze koje su osporavale ili dokazivale značaj Biblije. Dr Fišer podseća da se hrišćanska teologija nije mogla intenzivnije baviti Biblijom jer joj je nedostajalo znanje hebrejskog jezika, gramatike i sintakse. Analizira rezultate arheoloških iskopavanja i posebno se osvrće na raspravu iz 1902. godine koja je poznata pod imenom "Babel und Bibel" (Vavilon i Biblija) koju je prouzrokovao Friedrich Delitzsch svojim predavanjima koja je održao u prisustvu nemačkog cara nakon višegodišnjeg boravka u starom Vavilonu. Delitzsch se bavio isključivo vavilonsko-asiriskim pisanim spomenicima i pokušajima da u biblijskom tekstu pronađe vavilonsko asirski uticaj i izjednači religiozne uredbe Biblije sa vavilonskim. Vavilonska kultura dala je mnogo narodima starog sveta, i zacelo je uticala i na kulturu starih Izraelaca, ali kultura Biblije bila je uvek nezavisna, a često i suprotna. Iskopavanja u Mesopotamiji dala su nove činjenice i nove dokumente različitog sadržaja koje su osporavale Delitzschove hipoteze. Njegov pokušaj, da Izraelcima ospori posed monoteizma, nije uspeo. Izrael je sa svojim strogim monoteizmom bio u očitoj kontradikciji sa Vaviloncima i ostalim semitskim narodima Orijenta koji su ispovedali mnogoboštvo. Ipak polemika oko "Babel und Bibel" imala je i svoje dobre strane jer je potvrdila istinitost starojevrejske tradicije i ispravnost njenog shvatanja. Dokazala je, da je Izrael svoj religiozni imetak primio od Boga, a ne od Vavilonaca i da biblijska nauka o čistom, etičkom monoteizmu nije pozajmljena od Vavilonaca. Dokazala je i originalnost biblijske predaje o pradobu čovečanstva, o počecima izraelskog naroda, o postanku zakona Pentateuha i njegovu verodostojnost. Ovakva i druga razračunavanja o kojima piše dr Fišer dovela su do stvaranja obimne literature koja je posvećena idejama i istinama Biblije, Talmuda i jevrejske književnosti sa kojima se mogla upoznati i šira publika. Takođe ovo područje nije više bilo prepušteno samo nejevrejskim istraživačima nego su se nalazi arheoloških iskopavanja iz vavilonskog, asirskog i egipatskog perioda mogli koristiti i za različite discipline u izučavanju
dc.description.abstractIn his work, senior rabbi Dr. Leopold Fischer discusses the significance of archaeological and historical discoveries that originate from the Babylonian, Assyrian and ancient Egyptian periods. The central theme of his work is to light upon the critical interpretation of the Bible and its credibility. Although the author does not deal with the history of biblical criticism in this paper, he does state some hypotheses that have challenged or proved the significance of the Bible. Dr. Fischer reminds us that Christian theology could not deal more intensively with the Bible because it lacked knowledge of the Hebrew language, grammar, and syntax. He analyzes the results of archeological excavations and pays special attention to the controversy from 1902, known as "Babel und Bibel" (Babylon and the Bible), which was caused by Friedrich Delitzsch's lectures in the presence of the German emperor after many years in old Babylon. Delitzsch dealt exclusively with Babylonian-Assyrian written monuments and attempts to find the Babylonian Assyrian influence in the biblical text and to equate the religious regulations of the Bible with the Babylonian one. The Babylonian culture gave a lot to the peoples of the old world, and it completely influenced the culture of the ancient Israelites, but the culture of the Bible was always independent, and often the opposite. Excavations in Mesopotamia questioned new facts and new documents of various contents that challenged Delitzsch's hypotheses. His attempt to challenge the Israelites' possession of monotheism failed. Israel, with its strict monotheism, was in obvious contradiction with the Babylonians and other Semitic peoples of the Orient who professed polytheism. However, the controversy over "Babel und Bibel" also had its good sides because it confirmed the truth of the ancient Jewish tradition and the correctness of its understanding. She proved that Israel received its religious possessions from God, and not from the Babylonians and that the biblical science of pure, ethical monotheism was not borrowed from the Babylonians. It proved the originality of the biblical tradition about the ancient age of mankind, about the beginnings of the people of Israel, about the origin of the law of the Pentateuch, and its credibility. Such and other calculations that Dr. Fischer writes about led to the creation of an extensive literature dedicated to the ideas and truths of the Bible, the Talmud, and Jewish literature, which could be introduced to a wider audience. Also, this area was no longer left only to non-Jewish researchers, but the findings of archeological excavations from the Babylonian, Assyrian and Egyptian periods could be used for various disciplines in the study of
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectistorija Jevrejasr
dc.subjectJewish history, generalsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Biblijasr
dc.subjectJews - Biblesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Vavilonsr
dc.subjectJews - Babylonsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Asirijasr
dc.subjectJews - Assyriasr
dc.subjectJevreji - Egipatsr
dc.subjectJews - Egyptsr
dc.titleO važnosti pronalazaka iz vremena starog Orienta za jevrejsku znanostsr
dc.titleOn the importance of inventions from the time of the old Orient for Jewish sciencesr
dcterms.abstractФисцхер, Леополд; О важности проналазака из времена старог Ориента за јеврејску знаност; О важности проналазака из времена старог Ориента за јеврејску знаност;
dcterms.abstractФисцхер, Леополд; О важности проналазака из времена старог Ориента за јеврејску знаност; О важности проналазака из времена старог Ориента за јеврејску знаност;



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