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"Mlada Indija" - Mladi Juda

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorDohany, Julije
dc.description.abstractU članku "’Young-India’ - Jung Juda" dr Julije Dohany piše o trajanju jednog naroda koje se ne može ustanoviti opštim pravilima. On pravi paralelu između jevrejskog i indijskog naroda i konstatuje da Jevreji "imaju nasleđeni i odgojeni smisao za vreme i istoriju" jer su čuvali i pamtili prošlost od davnina, vekovima o njoj čitali i pričali ali su ipak sanjali i govorili o budućnosti svog naroda i čovečanstva uopšte. Dohany ističe da današnja evropska kultura nije najviši vrhunac kulture do kojega su došle sve stare kulture niti je ona poslednju reč razvitka i sposobnosti čoveka uopšte. Takođe zapaža da se reprezentativni mislioci Evrope posvećuju orijentalnim indijskim i kineskim duhovnim pokretima kao na primer pisci Graf Kaiserling i Roman Rolland. Autor govori i o glavnoj ideji Gandijevog pokreta i časopisu "Young India".sr
dc.description.abstractIn the article "'Young-India' - Jung Judah", Dr. Julie Dohany writes about the continuance of a nation that cannot be established by general rules. He makes a parallel between the Jewish and peoples from India and states that the Jews "have an inherited and educated sense of time and history" because they have preserved and remembered the past since ancient times, read and talked about it for centuries but still dreamed and talked about the future of their people and humanity at all. Dohany points out that today's European culture is not the highest peak of culture that all old cultures have reached, nor is it the last word in the development and abilities of man in general. He also notes that representative European thinkers dedicate themselves to Oriental India and Chinese spiritual movements such as the writers Graf Kaiserling and Roman Rolland. The author also talks about the main idea of the Gandhi movement and the magazine "Young India".sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - istorijasr
dc.subjectJews - historysr
dc.subjectJudaizam - Hinduizamsr
dc.subjectJudaism - Hinduismsr
dc.title"Young-India" - Jung Judasr
dc.title"Mlada Indija" - Mladi Judasr
dcterms.abstractДоханy, Јулије; "Млада Индија" - Млади Јуда; "Млада Индија" - Млади Јуда;



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