Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Around us: Jews: 110 years of the Synagogue, 65 years of the Holocaust

dc.creatorMaksimović, Jelena
dc.creatorNikolić, Verica
dc.creatorMilanov, Regina
dc.creatorPanić, Barbara
dc.description.abstractJevreji su u Zrenjanin počeli dolaziti i naseljavati se još davne 1747. godine. Prvi doseljenici bili su iz Češke i Poljske, kao porodice Goldštajn, Abraham i Gutman. Opštinu u kojoj su se okupljali i negovali svoje običaje i veru osnovali su već 1785. godine. U početku su se bavili trgovinom, putujući po selima i gradovima, od kuće do kuće. Jevrejski živalj, vizionarski nastrojen, akcenat je dao na školovanje svojih potomaka. Vrlo brzo su bili zastupljeni u svim privrednim granama. Prvi su gradili industrijska postrojenja u našem okruženju. Veliki fabrikanti bili su: Jakov Dajč, Jakov Gutman i Viktor Elek. Već polovinom XIX veka bili su i osnivači prvih novčano-kreditnih ustanova. Godine 1879. otvorena je prva menjačnica u gradu a vlasnica je bila Laura Kadelsburger. Te godine počela je da radi i prva zalagaonica Hermana Polaka. Mnogi od njih su bili čuveni lekari, dr Ida Šolmo, dr Regina Fišer-Kon, dr Mor Ivanji, dr Rudolf Kasovic, kao i dr Ernst Hercog. Posedovali su i svoje apoteke: Karolj i Aleksandar Vagi i prva žena apotekar u Vojvodini, Jelena Halmoš Sege. Bilo je među njima i znamenitih advokata: Janoš Sekelj, dr Franja Temer, Ernst Fuks, dr Lajos Boršodji, koji se bavio i pisanjem. Mnogi su se bavili raznim zanatima: časovničarskim, zlatarskim, krojačkim, kao i proizvodnjom
dc.description.abstractJews began to come and settle in Zrenjanin as far back as 1747. The first settlers were from the Czech Republic and Poland, such as the Goldstein, Abraham, and Gutmann families. The community in which they gathered and nurtured their customs and faith was founded as early as 1785. In the beginning, they were engaged in trade, traveling through villages and towns, from house to house. The Jewish population emphasized the education of their descendants. They were very quickly represented in all branches of the economy. Jews were the first who build industrial plants in our environment. The big manufacturers were Jakov Dajč, Jakov Gutman, and Viktor Elek. Yet in the middle of the 19th century, they were the founders of the first monetary and credit institutions. In 1879, the first exchange office in the city was opened and the owner was Laura Kadelsburger. That year, the first pawnshop of Herman Polak started working. Many of them were famous doctors: Dr. Ida Scholmo, Dr. Regina Fischer-Cohn, Dr. Mor Ivanji, Dr. Rudolf Kasovic, as well as Dr. Ernst Herzog. They also owned their own pharmacies: Karolj and Aleksandar Vagi and the first woman pharmacist in Vojvodina, Jelena Halmoš Sege. Among them were famous lawyers: Janos Sekelj, Dr. Franja Temer, Ernst Fuks, Dr. Lajos Boršodji, who was also a writer. Many were engaged in various trades: watchmaking, goldsmithing, tailoring, as well as the production of candy ...en
dc.publisherZrenjanin : Narodni muzej Zrenjanin : Istorijski arhiv Zrenjanina : Jevrejska opštinasr
dc.subjectJevreji - Zrenjaninsr
dc.subjectJews - Zrenjaninsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Zrenjaninsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - Zrenjaninsr
dc.titleTu oko nas: Jevreji: 110 godina Sinagoge, 65 godina holokaustasr
dc.titleAround us: Jews: 110 years of the Synagogue, 65 years of the Holocausten
dcterms.abstractНиколић, Верица; Панић, Барбара; Максимовић, Јелена; Миланов, Регина; Ту око нас: Јевреји: 110 година Синагоге, 65 година холокауста; Ту око нас: Јевреји: 110 година Синагоге, 65 година холокауста;
dc.rights.holderJevrejska opština Zrenjaninsr
dc.description.otherNaslov na koricama: Tu oko nas: Jevreji (Cover title: Around us: Jews).sr



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