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Albert Vajs: 1905-1964: memorial volume

dc.contributorKadelburg, Lavoslav
dc.contributorDimić, Mira
dc.contributorMiloradović, Bole
dc.description.abstractAlbert Vajs rođen je u Zemunu 1905. godine. Tokom školovanja je doživeo prvi razmah Jevrejskog omladinskog pokreta a tokom studija na zagrebačkom Pravnom fakultetu imao je istaknutu ulogu u nacionalnim, kulturnim i socijalnim organizacijama jevrejske omladine. Odlučno se borio za progresivne koncepcije, pisao nagrađivana dela iz različitih oblasti prava. Radio je u nekoliko vojvođanskih opština a nakon polaganja advokatskih ispita u Beogradu primljen je u advokatsku komoru. Bio je aktivan u jevrejskim organizacijama: Potpredsednik Jevrejske zajednice, član Izvršnog odbora Saveza jevrejskih zajednica i član Odbora direktora cionističke federacije. Stekao je slavu izvrsnog govornika i organizatora. Bio je savetnik za naprednu omladinu na državnim suđenjima, sarađivao u organizaciji za pomoć emigrantima iz Nemačke i drugih zemalja pod nacističkom vlašću, bio je borac protiv antisemitskih mera u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Od 1941-1945 bio je ratni zarobljenik u Nemačkoj. Bio je aktivan u borbi protiv fašizma, u borbi za slobodu čoveka i Narodnooslobodilačkom pokretu i član ilegalnih odbora u logorima. Njegovu suprugu, sina i mnoge članove porodice ubili su nacisti. U aprilu 1945. vratio se u zemlju. Od 1945 do 1948 sarađuje sa Državnom komisijom za utvrđivanje zločina koje su počinile okupatorske snage i njihovi pomagači. Bio je jugoslovenski delegat na suđenju u Nirnbergu. Tokom radne karijere bio je šef odseka za međunarodno pravo pri Institutu za međunarodnu politiku i ekonomiju u Beogradu, profesor na Pravnom fakultetu i Fakultetu političkih nauka. Svo vreme bio je član raznih vladinih komisija i delegacija i imao posebna vladina zaduženja (Artuković, Eichmann, ustaški napadi na jugoslovenske predstavnike u Bad Godesbergu). Bio je potpredsednik i predsednik Saveza jevrejskih zajednica ugoslavije.sr
dc.description.abstractAlbert Wajs was born in Zemun in 1905. During his schooling, he experienced the first expansion of the Jewish Youth Movement, and during his studies at the Zagreb Faculty of Law, he played a prominent role in the national, cultural and social organizations of the Jewish youth. He resolutely fought for progressive conceptions, wrote award-winning works from various fields of law. He worked in several municipalities in Vojvodina, and after taking the bar exams in Belgrade, he was admitted to the Bar Association. He was active in Jewish organizations: Vice President of the Jewish Community, member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities and member of the Board of Directors of the Zionist Federation. He gained the fame of an excellent speaker and organizer. He was an advisor to advanced youth in state trials, collaborated in an organization to help emigrants from Germany and other countries under Nazi rule, and was a fighter against anti-Semitic measures in the former Yugoslavia. From 1941-1945 he was a war prisoner in Germany. He was active in the fight against fascism, in the fight for human freedom and the People's Liberation Movement, and a member of illegal committees in the camps. His wife, son and many family members were killed by the Nazis. In April 1945, he returned to the country. From 1945 to 1948, he cooperated with the State Commission for Determining Crimes Committed by the Occupying Forces and Their Helpers. He was a Yugoslav delegate at the Nuremberg (Nürnberg) trial. During his working career, he was the head of the Department of International Law at the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade, a professor at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Political Sciences. He was a member of various government commissions and delegations all the time and had special government duties (Artuković, Eichmann, Ustasha attacks on Yugoslav representatives in Bad Godesberg). He was vice-president and president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavijesr
dc.subjectAlbert Vajs (1905-1964) - biografija (biography)sr
dc.titleAlbert Vajs: 1905-1964: spomenicasr
dc.titleAlbert Vajs: 1905-1964: memorial volumesr
dcterms.abstractAлберт Вајс : 1905-1964 : споменица; Aлберт Вајс : 1905-1964 : споменица; Aлберт Вајс: 1905-1964: мемориал волуме; Aлберт Вајс: 1905-1964: мемориал волуме;
dcterms.abstractAлберт Вајс: 1905-1964: мемориал волуме; Aлберт Вајс: 1905-1964: мемориал волуме; Aлберт Вајс: 1905-1964: споменица; Aлберт Вајс: 1905-1964: споменица;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherNa prednjoj korici "Reljef", rad vajara Nandora Glida (on the front cover "Relievo", the work of sculptor Nandor Glid).en



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