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In the Temple (Article published in "Szombat" in 1925)

dc.contributorJelić, Dušan
dc.creatorDeže, Jakab
dc.description.abstractO mogućnosti izgradnje hrama arhitekt Dezsö Jakab nekoliko godina je razgovarao sa industrijalcem Ignacom Kunecom. Krajem 1901. arhitekta Jakab je dobio zadatak da zajedno s arhitektom Marcelom Komorom pripremi projekat. Obojica su imali dobre reference jer su osvojili prvu nagradu za izgradnju sinagoge u Segedinu. Njihov glavni problem bio je kako izgraditi temelje pošto je lokacija bila na peščanom terenu. Najzaslužnija osoba koja je omogućila izgradnju hrama bila je Ignac Kunec. Ukupni troškovi izgradnje iznosili su 150.000 forinti. Ceremoniju posvećenja služio je Cheif Rabbi Bernard Singer 1903. godine. Dekoracija u hramu bila je zamišljena tako da ostavlja dojam šatora. Upotreba različitih boja takođe je doprinela ovom utisku. Menoru je dizajnirao arhitekta Jakab, a napravljena je u Budimpešti. Kutija za donacije je delo Jozsefa Frajdera, bravara čija dela imaju umetničku vrednost. Izvođači radova bili su Ferenc Nagy i Lukasc Kladek. Obojici je ovaj projekat bio veoma značajan za njihovu dalju
dc.description.abstractThe possibility of building the temple had been discussed by Dezsö Jakab, an architect, with Ignac Kunec, an industrialist, for several years. By the end of 1901 architect, Jakab was commissioned to prepare a project jointly with architect Marcel Komor. They had good references as they had won the first prize for the building of the synagogue in the City of Szeged. Their main problem was how to build the foundation as the site was on sandy ground. They placed concrete sheets on deeply lowered staples so that the dome pillars could stand secure. The decoration within the temple was so conceived as to leave the impression of a tent. The use of many colours also added to this impression. The most meritorious individual who made the building of the temple possible was Ignac Kunec. The total building costs amounted to 150.000 Forints. The dedication ceremony was officiated by Chelf Rabbi Bernard Singer in 1903. The outfit, too, is of artistic value. The menoroth were designed by architect Jakab and made in Budapest. The box for donations is the work of Jozsef Frajder, a locksmith whose works have artistic value. The contractors were Ferenc Nagy and Lukacs Kladek. For both of them, this contribution served as the springboard for their future career.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceZbornik 5 : Studije, arhivska i memoarska građa o istoriji subotičkih Jevreja, Jevrejski istorijski muzej - Beograd = Jewish studies 5 : Studies, archival and memorial materials about the history of the Jews in Subotica, Jewish historical museum - Belgradesr
dc.subjectsinagoga - Suboticasr
dc.subjectSynagogue - Suboticasr
dc.subjectIgnac Kunecsr
dc.subjectDezsö Jakabsr
dc.subjectFerenc Nagysr
dc.subjectLukasc Kladeksr
dc.titleO hramu (Članak jednog od dvojice graditelja sinagoge, objavljen u "Szombatu" od 8. decembra 1925.)sr
dc.titleIn the Temple (Article published in "Szombat" in 1925)en
dcterms.abstractДеже, Јакаб; О храму (Чланак једног од двојице градитеља синагоге, објављен у "Сзомбату" од 8. децембра 1925.; О храму (Чланак једног од двојице градитеља синагоге, објављен у "Сзомбату" од 8. децембра 1925.;
dcterms.abstractДеже, Јакаб; О храму (Чланак једног од двојице градитеља синагоге, објављен у "Сзомбату" од 8. децембра 1925.); О храму (Чланак једног од двојице градитеља синагоге, објављен у "Сзомбату" од 8. децембра 1925.);
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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