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Essays on life and beliefs

dc.creatorAtijas, Avram
dc.description.abstractDo kraja svog neizvesnog i komplikovanog životnog puta čovek nije u stanju da u potpunosti shvati, a ni da prihvati neke pojave i događanja koji ga okružuju, s kojima živi, a koji na određeni način utiču na njegov život i stavove o njemu. Poslovica kaže da čovek uči dok je mlad, što su ljudi, možda donekle i u šali, preformulisali u "čovek uči dok je živ"! Lično sam sklon verovanju da je ovo poslednje daleko od šale a mnogo bliže istini, jer mi se čini da saznavanje i spoznaje traju sve dok nam to omogućava funkcionisanje našeg mozga i bitnih čula kao što su, na primer, vid i sluh. Pobožni Jevreji koji ceo svoj život posvećuju proučavanju svetog zapisa, Tore i poštovanju zakona koji iz nje proizilaze (Halaha), takođe veruju da niko nije u stanju da tokom svog života sve nauči, jer sveznajući je samo Bog, ali da je čovek u obavezi (barem što se Jevreja tiče) da uloži sve svoje umne i druge sposobnosti, da bi za života stekao što više znanja. To se, po njima, pre svega odnosi na neprekidno proučavanje Tore i njenih raznovrsnih tumačenja iz kojih se crpe sva saznanja o ovozemaljskom životu i o onom koji, kako veruju, nastaje posle njega.sr
dc.description.abstractUntil the end of his uncertain and complicated life path, a person is not able to fully understand, nor to accept some phenomena and events that surround him, with which he lives, and which in a certain way affect his life and attitudes about him. The proverb says that a man learns while he is young, which people, perhaps to make some joke, have reformulated into "a man learns while he is alive"! Personally, I am minded to believe that this is far from a joke and much closer to the truth because it seems to me that cognition lasts as long as it allows functioning of our brain and important senses such as sight and hearing. Religious Jews who dedicate their whole lives to the study of the Holy Scripts, the Torah and the observance of the laws arising from it (Halacha), also believe that no one is able to learn everything during his life, because only God is omniscient, but that man is obliged (at least as far as the Jews are concerned) to invest all their mental and other abilities, in order to acquire as much knowledge as possible during their lifetime. According to them, this primarily refers to the continuous study of the Torah and its various interpretations, from which all the knowledge about this earthly life and the one that, as they believe, arises after it.en
dc.publisherJerusalim : A. Atijassr
dc.subjectJevreji - religijasr
dc.subjectJews - beliefsr
dc.titleEseji o životu i verovanjimasr
dc.titleEssays on life and beliefsen
dcterms.abstractAтијас, Aврам; Есеји о животу и веровањима; Есеји о животу и веровањима;
dc.rights.holderAvraham Atijassr



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