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Proverbs, Sayings and Tales of the Sephardi Jews of Macedonia

dc.contributorPressburger, Josip
dc.contributorRotem, Cvi
dc.contributorĆurčić, Jovan
dc.creatorKolonomos, Žamila
dc.description.abstractU nedostatku obimnije književne i druge literature na maternjem jeziku Sefarada, razvijaju se i održavaju usmenim predanjem svi oblici narodnih umotvorina. Među sefardskim Jevrejima najrasprostranjenije su romanse, poslovice, priče, tužbalice i zagonetke koje su upotrebljavane u svakidašnjem govoru, u svim prilikama porodičnih i društvenih praznovanja. Sefardske poslovice, nastale i donete iz Španije, a sačuvane kroz vekove zahvaljujući usmenom predanju, i danas predstavljaju predmet interesovanja, ne samo jevrejskih zajednica već i šire naučne i kulturne javnosti, filologa, etnologa, sociologa, psihologa, lingvista i drugih stručnjaka. Ova zbirka sefardskih poslovica zabeleženih u Bitolju i Skoplju ima sve karakteristike drugih zbirki koje su objavIjene u raznim publikacijama. Čitajući ove poslovice na bitoljskom i skopskom dijalektu, nije mogućno da se ne uoči koliko su još aktuelan i živi izvor iskustava, zapažanja i mišljenja sačuvanih u izvanredno sažetom obliku. Narodna mudrost i filozofija izražene su u poslovicama na najekonomičniji način, neki put sažeto u nekoliko reči. Kratkoća i melodičnost izraza doprinose lakom i dugom pamćenju. Neke poslovice generacijama ostaju neizmenjenе. Stalnom upotrebom u običnom govoru, neke poslovice su proširene i prilagođene novim uslovima i potrebama. Neke dobijaju novi smisao prilagođavajući se savremenijim potrebama, a neke se javljaju u više varijanata. lako su upotrebljavane u kontekstu spontanog govora, jezik poslovica je čistiji i ima manje varvarizama nego svakidašnji govor Sefarada. Zato one predstavljaju dobru osnovu i građu za proučavanje jevrejsko-španskog
dc.description.abstractAs in the mother tongue of the Sephardi Jews, there was no written literature to serve as tradition, literary forms, created by the imagination of the people, were handed down only by words of mouth. Romances, proverbs, short stories, dirges and riddles were the most popular with the Sephardim and therefore the most widespread. We find all these in usage in everyday life and during all occasions of family and social events. Today not only Jewish communities but also broader scientific and cultural circles, philologists, ethnologists, sociologists, psychologists, linguists and manу other professionals are greatly interested in the Sephardi proverbs, which originated in Spain and have been preserved thanks to the tradition of generations, which have passed them on to posterity. This collection of Sephardi proverbs recorded in Bitola and Skopje has all the characteristic features of other similar collections in various publications. When one reads these proverbs recorded in the dialects of Bitola and Skopje one cannot but notice the freshness and up-to-dateness of the ехреrience, imagination and judgment which is preserved in them in a remarkably condensed form. The wisdom and philosophy of the nation are expressed in these proverbs with the most economical use of words, sometimes only with a few words. The sentences are short and melodious and can therefore be easily memorized. Some of the proverbs have remained unchanged through generations. Others, which were continuously used in the language of everyday life, underwent changes, their wording becoming more elaborate in accordance with the requirements of new circumstances. Also, the meanings of some of the proverbs were adapted to meet contemporary demands, while other proverbs can be found in more than one variant. Although the proverbs were spontaneously used to convey thoughts at the spur of the moment, their language is purer and employs less barbarism than the everyday language of the Sephardim. They serve, therefore as an excellent basis and primary source for the scientific study of the Judeo-Spanish language.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavijesr
dc.subjectladino književnost - Makedonijasr
dc.subjectladino literature - Macedoniasr
dc.subjectSefardi - Makedonijasr
dc.subjectSephardi Jews - Macedoniasr
dc.subjectsefardska književnostsr
dc.subjectSephardic Literaturesr
dc.subjectSefardi - jeziksr
dc.subjectSephardi Jews - languagesr
dc.subjectjevrejske narodne poslovice - Makedonija
dc.subjectJewish proverbs - Macedonia
dc.titlePoslovice, izreke i priče sefardskih Jevreja Makedonijesr
dc.titleProverbs, Sayings and Tales of the Sephardi Jews of Macedoniaen
dcterms.abstractКолономос, Жамила; Пословице, изреке и приче сефардских Јевреја Македоније; Пословице, изреке и приче сефардских Јевреја Македоније;
dcterms.abstractКолономос, Жамила; Пословице, изреке и приче сефардских Јевреја Македоније; Пословице, изреке и приче сефардских Јевреја Македоније;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherTekst na srpskohrvatskom, engleskom, ladino i hebrejskom jeziku. Hebrejski prevod štampan u obrnutom smeru (text in Serbo-Croatian, English, Ladino and Hebrew. Hebrew translation printed in reverse).sr



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