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Anti-semitism in Serbia

dc.creatorLebl, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractAutor ističe činjenicu da su gotovo sve ekstremističke partije, organizacije i pokreti istovremeno i antisemitski. Najjači je verski antisemitizam, koji je najčešće osnova i svih ostalih. Hrišćanske dogme o Jevrejima kao Bogoubicama sredinom prošlog veka odrekla se katolička crkva, dok je u pravoslavnoj ona još uvek na snazi. Pošto se tekst bavi antisemitizmom u Srbiji, autor daje kratak pregled položaja Jevreja u Srbiji kroz istoriju, kao i hronologiju i oblike antisemitizma. Između dva svetska rata najistaknutiji propagatori antisemitizma u Srbiji bili su bogomoljački pokret Nikolaja Velimirovića, pokret "Zbor" Dimitrija Ljotića, petparačka štampa i list "Vreme" pred Drugi svetski rat. Vlada Cvetković-Maček je 1940. donela dve antisemitske uredbe. Nakon Drugog svetskog rata i Holokausta, dolaskom komunista na vlast i uvođenjem nacionalne i verske ravnopravnosti antisemitizam u Srbiji prestaje, da bi osamdesetih godina ponovo počeo da se javlja, najpre pojavom Protokola sionskih mudraca, a onda i formiranjem raznih šovinističkih i rasističkih organizacija, protiv kojih demokratska vlast mlako reaguje. U pojedinim novinskim tekstovima i knjigama Srbi se prikazuju kao žrtve jevrejske zavere. Autor zamera što nije usvojen predlog da se kao krivično delo u Krivični zakon Srbije unese negiranje holokausta, gasnih komora, veličanje Hitlera i slič
dc.description.abstractThe author emphasises the fact that almost all extremist parties, organisations and movements are at the same time anti-Semitic. Religious anti-Semitism is the strongest and most frequently it is the basis of all other forms of anti-Semitism. Christian dogmas on Jews as killers of Jesus were rejected by the Catholic Church in the middle of the 1990s, while they are still in force in the Orthodox Church. Since the text deals with anti-Semitism in Serbia, the author gives an overview of the status of Jews in Serbia throughout history as well as the chronology and forms of anti-Semitism. Between the two world wars, the most prominent proponents of anti-Semitism in Serbia were the following: the religious movement of Nikolaj Velimirovic, the movement "Zbor" of Dimitrije Ljotić, the tabloids and the journal "Vreme" before the Second World War. In 1940 the Government Cvetković-Maček adopted two anti-Semitic regulations. After the Second World War when the communist came into power and introduced national and religious equality, anti-Semitism was terminated. Unfortunately, in the 1980s the anti-Semitism started to emerge again primarily by the emergence of the Protocol of Zion wise men and following that by the formation of different chauvinist and racial organisations which do not encounter a strong reaction from the democratic government. In certain journalist texts and books, Serbs are presented as the victims of a Jewish conspiracy. The author reproaches the non-inclusion of "negation of Holocaust, gas chambers, the glorification of Hitler" etc as a criminal offence in the Criminal Code of Serbia.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Centar za unapređivanje pravnih studijasr
dc.sourceHereticus : časopis za preispitivanje prošlostisr
dc.subjectverski antisemitizamsr
dc.subjectreligious anti-Semitismsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Srpska pravoslavna crkvasr
dc.subjectJews - Serbian Orthodox Churchsr
dc.subjectantisemitizam - Srbijasr
dc.subjectAntisemitism - Serbiasr
dc.titleAntisemitizam u Srbijisr
dc.titleAnti-semitism in Serbiaen
dcterms.abstractЛебл, Aлександар; Aнтисемитизам у Србији; Aнтисемитизам у Србији;
dc.rights.holderCentar za unapređivanje pravnih studijasr

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