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Jews in Belgrade

dc.description.abstractJevrejske kolonije postojale su u Beogradu još u X veku ali je tek u XIII i XIV veku njihovo prisustvo postalo jasno vidljivo, sa organizovanom religijskom zajednicom i tesnim vezama sa Dubrovnikom, Venecijom, Ankonom i mađarskim gradovima. Posle 1521. god. primećuje se intenzivnije naseljavanje Sefarda, koji donose španski jezik i običaje i nameću ih Jevrejima koji su živeli u Beogradu. Sredinom XVII veka, posle epidemije kuge, zajednica se preselila sa obale Save nа obalu Dunava, na Jaliju, gde su ostali sledeća tri veka. Kao i Jevreji širom Evrope, zbog konstantnog progona i zbog zabrane posedovanja zemlje, najveći broj beogradskih Jevreja bili su trgovci, bankari i zanatlije. Ekonomski napredak pojedinaca i cele zajednice bio je često ometan velikim istorijskim previranjima.sr
dc.description.abstractJewish colonies existed in Belgrade in the 10th century, but it was only in the 13th century when existence became clearly identified with an organized religious community and close connections with Dubrovnik, Venice, Ancona and Hungarian cities. After 1521 a more intensive settling of Sephards is observed who brought the Spanish language and customs which were then put upon the Jews living here. In the middle of the 17th century, after the plague epidemic, the community moved from the Sava bank to the banks of Danube to Jalija bank, where it remained for further three centuries. As the Jews throughout Europe, because of constant persecution and bans to owe land. Belgrade Jewry were predominantly tradesmen, bankers and manufacturers. The economic progress of individuals and of the whole community was often disturbed by the great commotion, as was the city itself, which changed rulers many times.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejska opština Beogradsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Beogradsr
dc.subjectJews - Belgradesr
dc.titleJevreji u Beogradusr
dc.titleJews in Belgradeen
dcterms.abstractЈевреји у Београду; Јевреји у Београду;
dc.rights.holderJevrejska opština Beogradsr
dc.description.otherNa naslovnoj strani: Sinagoga Bet Jisrael, uništena u Holokaustu (cover page: Synagogue Bet Jisrael, destroyed in Holocaust).sr



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