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The Execution of Belgrade Jews in occupied Belgrade during the WWII [DVD]

dc.contributorSimić, Aleksandar
dc.contributorAsiel Chanin, Rachel
dc.creatorRaković, Jovan
dc.creatorMentović, Mento
dc.creatorTatić, Darko
dc.creatorAjbl, Mirjana
dc.creatorPantelić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractPotresnim uvodom o stradanju nekoliko prozvanih „logorskih brojeva“ iza kojih se nalaze osobe sa imenom i prezimenom, film nas uvodi u lične sudbine pojedinih Jevreja, mučki ubijenih tokom okupacije Beograda u Drugom svetskom ratu. Sadržaj filma potom nastavlja sa informacijama o istoriji naseljavanja Jevreja u Beogradu, njihovog učešća u ratovima za slobodu Srbije (Balkanskim i Prvom svetskom), a potom daje zanimljive informacije o njihovom integrisanju u beogradsko društvo, koje se i samo menja i modernizuje. Međutim počev od 30-tih godina prošlog veka pod uticajem političkih događaja u Nemačkoj, vetrovi antisemitizma dolaze i do Srbije. U to vreme u Beogradu niče i novi Sajamski prostor na levoj obali reke Save, koji će uskoro postati žalosni simbol stradanja Jevreja Beograda u vreme Nemačke okupacije i kvislinške vlasti. Prikazujući sudbinu jedne od beogradskih jevrejskih porodica, film nas upoznaje sa „beogradskom Anom Frank“ - Reli Alfandari Pardo. Zatim se govori o dolasku 1.200 Jevreja iz Austrije, Nemačke i Češke koji beže od nacista i čija sudbina završava u malom mestu Kladovo, na Dunavu. Navode se proklamovane mere tzv. „Numerusa Klauzus“, koje limitiraju prava Jevreja u Srbiji i Beogradu. A onda nas film upoznaje sa okolnostima početka rata i okupacije. Prikazujući brojna dokumenta koja izdaju okupacione vlasti zajedno sa domaćim Nedićevim vlastima, a koja se odnose na Jevreje, stvara se jasna slika o ponižavanju, pljačci i pripremi za fizičku likvidaciju Jevreja. Zatim sledi opis mesta gde su Jevreji zatvarani, a potom i ubijani...Sajmište, Topovske šupe, Jajinci, Zasavica...Film govori i o onim Beograđanima - Srbima, koji se nisu mirili sa takvim zločinima, i koji su individualno pomagali i pokušavali da sakriju pojedine Jevreje ili porodice. Posebno neobičan i zanimljiv deo filma je opis preživljavanja porodice Ajzinberg, majke i sina, kod četnika Draže Mihajlovića. Takođe se prikazuje i logor Sajmište, i posebno način ubijanja u tzv. kamionima „dušegupkama“. Na kraju, film govori i o učestvovanju Jevreja u Narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi sa Titovim
dc.description.abstractWith an upsetting introduction about the suffering of several so-called "camp numbers" behind which are people with names and surnames, the film introduces us to the personal destinies of individual Jews, who were brutally killed during the occupation of Belgrade in the Second World War. The film then continues with information about the history of the settlement of Jews in Belgrade, their participation in the wars for freedom of Serbia (Balkan and World War I), and then gives interesting information about their integration into Belgrade society, which is also changing and modernizing. However, starting from the 1930s, under the influence of political events in Germany, the winds of anti-Semitism came to Serbia as well. At that time, a new Belgrade Fair was being built upon the left bank of the Sava River, which will soon become a sad symbol of the suffering of the Jews of Belgrade during the German occupation and the Quisling government. Showing the fate of one of Belgrade's Jewish families, the film introduces us to Reli Alfandari Pardo who was "Belgrade's Ana Frank". The story continues with the arrival of 1,200 Jews from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic who fled from the Nazis and whose fate ends in the small town of Kladovo, on the Danube. Proclamation measures so-called "Numerus Clause", which limit the rights of Jews in Serbia and Belgrade are presented. Then the film introduces us to the circumstances of the beginning of the war and the occupation. By presenting numerous documents issued by the occupation authorities together with the local Nedić authorities, which refer to Jews, a clear picture is created of humiliation, robbery and preparation for the physical liquidation of Jews. Then follows a description of the places where Jews were imprisoned, and then killed ... Sajmište, Topovske šupe, Jajinci, Zasavica ... The film also talks about those Belgraders - Serbs, who did not reconcile with such crimes, and who individually helped and tried to hide individual Jews or families. A particularly unusual and interesting part of the film is the description of the survival of the Ajzinberg family, mother and son, with the Draža Mihajlović's Chetnik's movement. The Sajmište camp is also shown, and especially the manner of killing in the gas van "Dušegupka". Finally, the film talks about the participation of Jews in the People's Liberation Struggle with Tito's partisans.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejski istorijski muzej Savez jevrejskih opština Srbijesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Beogradsr
dc.subjectJews - Belgradesr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Beogradsr
dc.titleStradanje Jevreja u okupiranom Beogradu 1941-1944 [DVD]sr
dc.titleThe Execution of Belgrade Jews in occupied Belgrade during the WWII [DVD]en
dcterms.abstractМентовић, Менто; Пантелић, Зоран; Aјбл, Мирјана; Татић, Дарко; Раковић, Јован; Страдање Јевреја у окупираном Београду 1941-1944 [ДВД]; Страдање Јевреја у окупираном Београду 1941-1944 [ДВД];
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherKompjuterska obrada: Jorak; 1 elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM); slika, zvuk, video, tekst, titl na engleskom (computer processing: Jorak; 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); picture, sound, video, text, english subtitle).sr
dc.description.otherTrajanje 65 minuta (duration 65 minutes).sr
dc.description.otherUporedo srpski tekst i engleski



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