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Triptych Mordho, Sara, Old man

dc.creatorAjzinberg, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstract"... Napolju, srećom, nije bilo mnogo hladno. Zima skoro da je i prošla, ali su noći još bile studene. U izbi, kraj peći, bilo je prijatno. Sedeli su strepeći, sedeli su možda poslednji put zajedno, tu kraj peći i čekali. Sused je rekao da će doći i da će im pomoći. Mordehaj Abramovič mu je verovao. Poznavali su se toliko godina, susedi su, istina delila ih je religija, nisu išli u istu crkvu, i odeća im je bila različita, ali ipak, Mordehaj Abramovič mu je verovao... Sused je bio dobar čovek, nije ga vređao, pozdravljali su se kao ljudi. Prošle noći je krišom došao i ispričao kako se njegovi spremaju da kolju, klaće u subotu, a što nađu po kućama podeliće. Nije to prvi put da su ovde klali Jevreje. Klali su i ranije, klali su onako pijani, sekli su sabljama, a bilo je i onih treznih koji su to radili. Verovali su da će njihov život postati lakši, da će u njihovom selu biti manje siromašnih kada se oslobode tih prokletih Jevreja koji su Hrista razapeli i zbog kojih ceo svet živi u bedi..."sr
dc.description.abstract"... Fortunately, it wasn't very cold outside. The winter was almost over, but the nights were still cold. It was pleasant in the room, by the stove. They were sitting anxiously, they were sitting together for the last time. The neighbour said he would come and help them. Mordechai Abramovich trusted him. They had known each other for so many years, they were neighbours, the truth was divided by religion, they did not go to the same church, and their clothes were different, but still, Mordechai Abramovich trusted him ... The neighbour was a good man, he didn't insult him, they greeted each other like people. This is not the first time that Jews have been slaughtered here. They have slaughtered before, they slaughtered so drunk, they cut with swords, and there were those sober who did it. They believed that their lives would become easier, that in their the village to be less poor when they get rid of those damned Jews who crucified Christ and because of whom the whole world lives in misery ... "en
dc.publisherBeograd : A. Ajzinberg
dc.subjectTriptih (pripovetka)sr
dc.subjectTriptych (story)
dc.titleTriptih - Mordho, Sara, Staracsr
dc.titleTriptych Mordho, Sara, Old manen
dcterms.abstractAјзинберг, Aлександар; Триптих - Мордхо, Сара, Старац; Триптих - Мордхо, Сара, Старац;
dcterms.abstractAјзинберг, Aлександар; Триптих - Мордхо, Сара, Старац; Триптих - Мордхо, Сара, Старац;
dc.rights.holderAleksandar Ajzinbergsr



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