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Atypical Russians: Kalmyks, Jews and Gypsies among white emigrants in the Kingdom of SCS / Yugoslavia 1918-1941

dc.creatorDamjanović, Miloš M.
dc.identifier.issn2683-5797 (Online)
dc.description.abstractSrpski narod je u novoj državi nastaloj posle Prvog svetskog rata ušao u zajednicu sa novim narodima i gradio nova međuetnička iskustva i odnose. U međuratnom periodu interaktivne socijalne relacije ostvarivao je, ne samo sa, tradicionalno nastanjenim narodima na jugoslovenskom prostoru, već i sa etničkim elementima, dospelim u skromnom broju i sa širokih evroazijskih prostranstava. Među brojnim i raznovrsnim ruskim beloemigrantima, koje je točak istorije dovezao i zaustavio na srpske etničke i istorijske teritorije, nalazili su se i netipični Rusi, neslovenske ruske manjine poput Kalmika, Jevreja i Cigana. Izuzev donekle, kalmičke prošlosti, njihov privatni život ali i kolektivna istorija na jugoslovenskom tlu slabo je osvetljena u domaćoj i svetskoj istoriografiji. Cilj ovog rada je, da barem delimično baci svetlo i pruži uvid u taj segment jugoslovenske i beloemigrantske povesti. Rekonstrukcija njihovog života u Jugoslaviji urađena je pretežno pomoću tadašnje štampe, koja pruža zahvalan obim građe i predstavlja značajan istorijski izvor za ovaj predmet istraživanja. Iako su, samo izuzetno, pojedini pripadnici ovih etničkih grupacija ostavili značajan trag u srpskoj kulturi, i bez obzira što nisu opstali kao kompaktna zajednica, usled burnih i tragičnih epizoda u prošlosti balkanske vetrometine, njihova prostorno-vremenska egzistencija činila je sastavni deo života naroda na Balkanu, što je čini dovoljno zanimljivom za istraživanje i bitnim prilogom etničkim i manjinskim
dc.description.abstractIn the newly erected state after the First World War, the Serbian people became a part of a community together with new peoples and built new interethnic experiences and relations. During the interwar period, the Serbs achieved interactive social relations not only with the traditional peoples of the Yugoslav territories but also with ethnic elements that arrived in modest numbers from the vastness of the Euro-Asian fields. Among the numerous and diverse Russian white emigrants, which the wheel of history brought and halted on Serbian ethnic and historic territories, the atypical Russians also found themselves there. They were non-Slavic Russian minorities, such as Kalmyks, Jews and Gypsies. The Kalmyks’ history, private life and collective past in the area of Yugoslavia had only been discovered in the domestic and international historiography to a certain extent. The goal of this paper is to - at least partially - shed light and give insight into that segment of the Yugoslav and white emigrant past. The reconstruction of their lives has been done mainly through the press of the time that offers a significant amount of information and represents an important historic source for that research subject. Even though only exclusively, some members of these ethnic groups left a significant mark in Serbian culture and no matter that they did not manage to survive as a compact community, due to violent and tragic episodes in the Balkan past winds, their spatial and temporal existence was a constituent part of the peoples in the Balkans, which makes this community sufficiently interesting to be researched and is an important contribution to the ethnic and minorities studies.en
dc.publisherLeposavić : Institut za srpsku kulturusr
dc.subjectJevreji - bela emigracijasr
dc.subjectJews - White Emigrationsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenacasr
dc.subjectJews - Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenianssr
dc.titleNetipični Rusi: Kalmici, Jevreji i Cigani među beloemigrantima u Jugoslaviji 1918-1941sr
dc.titleAtypical Russians: Kalmyks, Jews and Gypsies among white emigrants in the Kingdom of SCS / Yugoslavia 1918-1941en
dcterms.abstractДамјановић, Милош М.; Нетипични Руси: Калмици, Јевреји и Цигани међу белоемигрантима у Југославији 1918-1941; Нетипични Руси: Калмици, Јевреји и Цигани међу белоемигрантима у Југославији 1918-1941;



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